Monday, August 6, 2007

Sick Yogini...

Booo...Boo on me...I haven't practiced in a few days. Call it laziness or lack of will, but I just haven't felt well. This should've motivated me to practice practice through the *blahness*...but when the body says, "Oooo, no no no....whoa..." I try to pay attention. I think it's tension from school, lots of homework and pressure, and just general fatigue that has gotten me no where besides my bed and in front of this horribly addicting thing we call the internet. :-p Anyway- tomorrow...(or shall I say today?) it's back to the mat...back to Ole Blue. :) Blessings! (Just 4 weeks until teacher training begins! YAY!)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

A WONDERFUL hamstring stretch...and your beginning step to sun salutation! Remember, knees can always be bent for you tightly wound people. :) Never strain or you never gain!

Down dog

Energy boosting down dog! :)


This is Camel pose or "Ustrasana". It's a great backbend. To make this pose easier (for a beginner), as you can see, toes are turned under. Regardless of the modification, it stretches the front of your legs, but if you're not warmed up, it can cause severe back injury. So, moral of the story: BE CAREFUL and BE EASY!!! You'll get more out of it in the long run! :) Namaste!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is theee wonderful Michelle Stobart. That pose is nothing less than amazing! :)